Homesick and having trouble adjusting to college life

The start of college is a momentous time in life, frequently accompanied by difficulties adjusting and homesickness. Feelings of loneliness and anxiety might arise when one leaves behind familiar surroundings and loved ones. Nevertheless, this process may be facilitated by being aware of these feelings and using useful techniques.

This post provides helpful advice on how to deal with homesickness and tips for adjusting to college life to foster a positive atmosphere so that you can enjoy your time in college. You may effectively negotiate this adjustment and ultimately discover enthusiasm and comfort in your new college life by recognizing your sentiments, forming new friends, and making use of campus services. However, before getting into the strategies let’s get to know what homesickness is.

Understanding what is Homesickness

Many college students suffer from homesickness as they find difficulty in Adjusting to the college environment and part from the comforts of home. For young adults juggling the demands of independence, academic rigor, and making new social relationships, this emotional reaction can be especially challenging.

Feelings of loneliness, worry, despair, and a yearning for the comforts of home are some of the signs and symptoms of homesickness. Students who struggle with these emotions may lose their appetite, have trouble sleeping, and do worse academically.

To effectively handle and acknowledge students must know the strategies. College students may effectively transition to a new chapter in their lives and manage their homesickness if they are given the right tools and sensitivity.

(Fisher, S., 2016.)

Dealing with Homesickness

Whether your family is 10 miles away or on the opposite side of the globe, homesickness is the same for all. There are practical methods for overcoming homesickness in college:

Seek Assistance from Others

Living alone and removing yourself from your family may first seem stressful. That you’re not alone is wonderful news. Other new students may be experiencing similar worries and anxieties.

Speak with your housemates or fellow students about your college experience of homesickness. Tell them about your transition to new habits, environments, and people.

You may also ask more experienced students, such as your resident adviser or a professor in your subject of study. They may put you in touch with groups and events that foster connections and support systems. Moreover, colleges and universities can save money by doing primary research using Cheap research data collection services including internet surveys, to learn more about the experiences of their student body with homesickness. This will lead to tactics for dealing with homesickness.

Allow Time for Self-Adjustment

Keeping yourself busy might help reduce your college homesickness. You could, however, occasionally still find yourself missing the people and places you had to leave behind. Recognize that it may take some time to become used to new habits and to feel more at ease in your new surroundings.

Homesickness can linger anywhere from three weeks to over a year, according to research. In one survey, provided by Best dissertation conclusion services within the first ten weeks of college, 94% of students said they had felt homesick at some time.

It takes time and perseverance to overcome homesickness. There is no fast remedy. Transitional times, like going back to school after a break or vacation, might bring such emotions back. Use time management tips and take some time to yourself to miss the folks.


Know that your emotions are normal.

Many college students experience homesickness. Being in a new place, getting used to a new routine, or adjusting to a new culture can all cause homesickness. It may involve missing your friends, loved ones, and even your pets. You could miss out on activities you and your friends did before you left home, or a particular breakfast your family enjoyed on the weekends

Students may experience anxiety due to these changes. There’s a chance that some pupils struggle with sleep or experience isolation. Additionally, you may feel depressed or grieved. Every student has a unique homesickness experience. If these sensations don’t go away, make sure you get treatment.

Keep Yourself Busy

When you adjust to your new environment and settle in for a few weeks, homesickness in college usually goes away. Getting out of your room and exploring what the campus and community have to offer is one method to expedite that process. Before courses start, you often have a week or so to settle in, so take advantage of your initial few days on campus.

You might also join an intramural sports team or see whether the school fitness facility provides any lessons that pique your interest. During the first few weeks of classes, colleges and universities typically host events that let students socialize.

Stay Connected With Friends and Family

Though it may seem apparent, one of the greatest methods to avoid homesickness is to maintain contact with your loved ones back home. During the first few weeks of the semester, it’s tempting to get caught up in all that’s going on, which might make you want your family and friends back home even more when you have more time to yourself.

Even if you aren’t experiencing homesickness right now, make a strategy to stay in contact. Establishing an expectation that you will stay in touch, can help you avoid experiencing tough or overwhelming feelings and make communication feel normal when you need it most. 

Explore New Things

There’s nearly always something interesting to discover on college campuses, whether you’re in a big metropolis or a little village. It is crucial to avoid being alone all the time, especially when you are depressed. Watch for opportunities to:

  • Attend fairs or festivals in your area
  • Take a look around a museum (many provide student passes or free days).
  • Check out a nearby eatery
  • See the sights in well-known tourist locations.
  • Attend a local athletic event; similar to museums, many sports teams offer student evenings when tickets are cheap for students.


In conclusion, it takes time, and effort to get over homesickness and adjust to college life. You may effectively negotiate this shift by following the tactics discussed before. Recall that asking for assistance is a show of strength and that making use of the resources at your disposal may improve your time in college. Accept the changes and difficulties that come your way, and have faith that you will successfully navigate this new phase of your life.


  • Fisher, S., 2016. Available at < >
  • HWD. 2021. Time Management Tips. Available at < >

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